Private, public partners plan residence for homeless female veterans in Hagerstown, Md. – The Washington Post
Grow a Row, Grow Your Community | Capital Area Food Bank
If your into helping your community and gardening at the same time, this is an interesting program from the Capital Area Food Bank.
The Grow a Row program connects D.C., Virginia and Maryland gardeners with CAFB partner organizations in their neighborhoods, creating “produce partnerships” that bring more nutritious fruits and vegetables to underserved communities.
via Grow a Row, Grow Your Community | Capital Area Food Bank.
Spring cleaning = charitable mother load
Goodwill has put a list together of the Top 5 things you should donate to charitable organization this spring. The expected items like clothes, but did you know that cell phones and computers are also need. Every little bit helps. Take a look and see if there is something in your spring cleaning that might help.
Goodwill Industries International, Inc. » The Top Five Things You Should Donate This Spring.
Child Hunger Ends Here: A Special Report | Capital Area Food Bank
Check out the Capital Area Food Bank blog for some interesting and enlightening information on child hunger.
Child Hunger Ends Here: A Special Report
March 18, 2011 by Kendra Rowe SalasThere are 200,000 children in the Washington metropolitan area at risk of or are currently experiencing hunger. The statistics for our area illustrate the need in our local community and reflect what is happening across the nation.We are excited to see the recent focus and energy around childhood hunger. This urgent issue is being recognized more as a serious issue that we must face together as a nation. Please join us in watching “Child Hunger Ends Here: A Special Report” this Saturday evening, March 19. This 30-minute in-depth report will focus on the issue of child hunger in America…
Giving money to the homeless might actually work – CNN
A few months ago, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a UK-based nonprofit that does amazing work in the field of poverty and social exclusion, issued a surprising report that deserves a much wider readership.
The study evaluated the success of a radical new way of working with the long-term homeless. Instead of soup kitchens, shelters, and mobile health clinics, the charity Broadway simply selected 15 homeless people that their outreach workers had found the hardest to reach (one had been on the streets for an astonishing 45 years), asked them what it was they needed to change their lives — and then bought it for them.
Please pardon our dust…
We are in the process of upgrading our site to include more information from the community on homelessness and poverty in Wasthington D.C. area. We are also looking to integrate more social networking into our site as well.
Rising food prices could drive up rates of hunger –
- U.S. is vulnerable to rising food and oil prices
- Rising food prices are having a direct effect on food banks
- Food banks are seeing people who used to donate using food banks now
via Rising food prices could drive up rates of hunger –
Food pantry opening – 15 Jan 2011
The food pantry opened this morning. This has been a vision of the Director, Mr. Larry Hill.
More to come…
TCCOC Thanksgiving 2010
The holidays are particularly busy for Larry and the other volunteers at the TCCOC. In addition to serving a traditional style Thanksgiving meal, members of TCCOC also distributed food baskets to individuals and families in Ward 5. With help from the Capital Area Food Bank, World Mission’s Inner City Extension Program, and Mr. Carlos Allen, the TCCOC helped make Thanksgiving a little better for those in need in our nation’s capital.